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Psychic Readings

I don't live in Las Vegas, how can I get a reading?

I do phone as well as skype sessions for those who cant see me in person for a session.

How can you do a reading without the person present?
Intuition is not bound by the limitations of time or space. Energy is energy and that connects us to each other.

Why do I have to ask questions? Shouldn't a Psychic already know what I want to ask?
A good reading requires that you and the psychic both participate. The more aware you are of the issues and questions that you have the more effective the reading. Your ability to be open and your focus will help guide the psychic. Without a focus to the reading, a psychic will still receive pertinent information, but perhaps not always in the specific areas you had in mind.

Are all Psychics born with their gift?
Most psychics are born with a natural aptitude, the same way another person might be born with musical talent. But even those with a natural musical talent, it can fade without cherishing it and without practice. And even if you have less in natural ability, with training and diligence, you can still learn to play the piano well. The same is true with psychic ability.

If a Psychic foresees something in my future that I don’t like, can I change it? Is my future fixed?
First and foremost, there is always your own free-will. Life has an open door policy. There are an infinite number of ways to approach life's challenges. When a psychic sees future events, they are seeing the most likely results of the current momentum in your life. Your Psychic will see more about the internal and external conditions that would lead to that event. This would be their focus and direction of the reading. To empower you to make the best choices that are in your highest and best.

Medium Readings

What is the difference between Psychic & Medium?

First off every medium has psychic abilities and is psychic, but not all psychics are capable of becoming mediums. A medium can directly communicate with departed loved ones and spirits in the afterlife. A medium serves as a channel between the physical world and the afterlife. A psychic can foretell the future by using several spiritual channels or gifts. For example, a psychic can provide insights for you concerning relationships, career, money, love, and past lives.

Session Preparations

Should I do anything to prepare for my session?

To set a powerful intention to connect with Spirit, it is suggested that you write down questions that you would like to explore during your session in advance and bring those questions to the session with you. There is a vast ocean of information about this lifetime and previous ones, so questions help to narrow the focus and bring you the specific insight you are seeking. Also bring photos of, and/or objects that belonged to departed loved ones (to assist with calling them forward & if applicable)

Making the most of your session (tips):
• Come to the session with questions that you would like to explore -- they can be about anything.
• Be good to yourself. Treat this session as a time to receive love and light from the divine. And, know that the reading will give you messages that you are intended to have in your life at this time. 
• To assist with calling forward psychic information about yourself (if applicable for this session): Grab a journal or notebook and jot down notes and feelings that emerge during your session. Take special acknowledgement of patterns that continue to come to the surface during your reading. How are you feeling? What negative thoughts or sabotaging self-talk are coming to mind? What creative ideas are sparked for you? There are no wrong answers, as the session will help you to discover your joy and activate a path of change.


What is Numerology?

Numerology is a study of numbers in your life. You can uncover information about the world and also each individual person by using Numerology. Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers. Each number 1-9, 11, 22, and 33 have certain vibrations and attributes that will show our unique characteristics and things we need to work on. Numerology is the idea that the universe is a system and once broken down we are left with the basics, which are numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals.